Congratualtions to DENTON who won the award for
"Ugliest Bowtie"
Nominated by Allie
Congratualtions to KID BLINK who won the award for
"Cutest Smile"
Nominated by Allie
Congratulations KID BLINK who won the award for
"Prettiest Eyes"
Nominated by Kelly
Congratulations to SPOT who won the award for
"Looks like the Best Kisser"
Nominated by Hannah
Congratulations to KID BLINK who won the award for
"Cutest when Mad"
nominated by Allie
Congratulations to JACK who won the award for
"Cutest Smile"
Nominated by Chelsea B.
Congratualtions (maybe?) to SNODDY who won the award
"Grossest name in the Movie"
Nominated by Kelly S.
Congratualtions to RACETRACK who won the award for
"Sexiest Cheekbones"
Nominated by Lucks
Congratulations to CRUTCHY who won the award for
"Sweetest Newsie"
Nominated by Sarah
Congratualtions to MUSH who won the award for
"Best Abs"
Nominated by Allie
Congratulations to PIE EATER who won the award for
"Funkiest Name in the Movie"
Nominated by Chelsea H.
Congratualtions to LES who won the award for
"Cutest Newsie"
Nominated by Hannah
Congratualtions to RACETRACK who won the award for
"Best Accent"
Nominated by Kelly S.
Congratulations to BUMLETS who won the award for
"Best Dance Move"
Nominated by Sarah
Congratualtions to SPOT who won the award for
"Most Intimidating Newsie"
Nominated by Kelly S.
Congratualtions to KID BLINK who won the award for
"Kindest Newsie"
Nominated by Kelly.
Congratulations to MUSH who won the award for
"Best Voice in the Movie"
Nominated by Hannah
Congratulations to SKITTERY who won the award for
"Best Looking in Pink"
Nominated by Antranig
Congratualtions to MUSH who won the award for
"Best Looking While Asleep"
Nominated by Hannah
Congratulations to KID BLINK who won the award for
"Best Pelvic Thrust"
Think theres a Newsie that deserves an award? Enter your
thoughts below!