I'm a Real Fan Girl
^By Mushs Goil (me)
To the tune of "I'm Not That Girl" from
There's Alot of Us, and We Ain't Goin' Away
^By Antranig/ Anna
To the tune of "The World Will Know" from Newsies
Newsies Freak
^By Antranig/Anna
To the tune of "Mountain Town" from South Park
Ode to a Newsie
^By Antranig/Anna
to the tune of "Carrying the Banner" from Newsies
*this one's really good!
Santa Fe: My Way
^By Harmony
To the tune of "Santa Fe" from Newsies
Newsgoils Fightin' Newsgoils
^By Words and Luna
To the tune of "Carrying the Banner" from Newsies
*this one is HiLARiOUS!
^By Racetrack's Goil
To the tune of "My Heart Will Go On" from Titanic
I Love You
^By Racetrack's Goil
To the tune of "The Barney Song"