August 2nd, 2008
Hello hello! I’m back again with a real update =] I have added a new Contest to the Contests page! It’s brand new and submissions are being accepted through August 17th, so go check it out and send them on in! As for the new page, it is still being worked on and hopefully will be posted before the summer is out. As always, please sign the guestbook! And a big thanks to all of those great emails that have been sent my way. Positive feedback is always greatly appreciated! Thanks to all of you. Carrying the Banner!
________________________________________________________ July 30th, 2008
Hey ya'll! An update within a week?!? Unheard of! Well, I told you guys, I'm back as much as I possibly can be. So, on with the updates (there are updates?!?). Yes, there are =]. Number one, a shameless plug. Please sign the guest book! It really means a lot hearing feedback from all of you lovelies. Number Two, The interactive forms script is kaputz. And until I have found a different script (because its beyond repair, believe me, I tried) all of the interactive forms will be closed. If you wish, you can still email your entries to me. My email is the same, Third, there is a new page in the works!! (super ultra mega gasp!) Yes, it's true. For the first time in over a year, a new page will be brought to Newsies Lovers. So, get ready! As always, idea are welcome and encouraged. I'll be seeing you all soon! Carrying the Banner!
________________________________________________________ July 25th, 2008
Yes, it's been almost a year. But don't worry! I'm NOT dead =] I have just been really REALLY busy lately. Well, this whole year actually. Alot has changed for me and I had to put Newsies on the back burner (gasp! i know.) I want to thank all of you loyal Newsies Lovers fans for continuing to visit the site in my absence. I'm shocked that the guestbook still gets signed and this site still gets hits! Thank you all so much. Thanks alot for all the fanmail (if you will) that has been emailed to me. It really means alot. I'm updating because I was asked to, and realized I can't leave you guys hanging for another year with nothing. However, here's the thing. When I started this site I was 13 years old. 4 days ago I celebrated my 16th birthday. I have changed so much since age 13 when I lived and breathed Newsies. Don't get me wrong, I still LOVE it to death, but I have other things in my life as well now. I'm not saying I'll never update at all but I'm definitely not saying I'll be updating every day. This site will still exist for all of you to enjoy. I will fix the interactive forms, because I understand they have been not working since the spam incident, and I will update those for you as much as I can. However, new pages will be scarce. I love you all, and I will try my absolute hardest to keep this site up and running for all of you who still live and breath Newsies, even though that part of my life is fading. I love you all, and don't forget, you can always send requests and I will try my hardest to make whatever it is you want a reality on this site. And never forget to keep carrying that banner!)
August 11th
It is 1:11 in the morning and yes, I'm updating. I'm leaving for a cruise today and I figured I could not leave you guys any longer without an update especially since I won't have access to a computer for a week. Anyways, here I am, half asleep but proud to say that if you sent in an interactive form since May (yes, May) it is now posted (with the exception of surveys). As well as a new hypothesis question ready for answering, and a new addition to the Six Degrees game. So, everything's up. Top 10, FAQ's, name origins, commandments, the whole shebang. For those of you who sent them in before May (sorry that I'm such a slacker) but they will be posted when I get home from vacation, as well as the re-created Videos page (finally!). And no empty promises this time. I will do this. My life has just been so hectic, and I kinda had to put Newsies on the back burner for a while. Now, I'm not saying that updates will be coming every day like they did last summer, but I will try my hardest not to leave you another few months without any word. I'm sorry for those who came back here every week hoping for new things and I'm sorry if it dissapointed you that there were none, but, as of next week, I will be once again be attempting to maintain this website. So, enjoy what's here for now and have a fabulous next week! I'll be seeing you all the 19th! And a remember: always keep carrying that banner! Oh, and I almost forgot, the spamming has finally STOPPED so all interactive forms are now open. Be advised, that if it starts again, I will be forced to close down the interactive pages for everyone. But, as of now... it's all good :o)
June 23rd
Today is a WONDERFUL day. Mostly because, it is THE 1ST ANNIVERSARY OF NEWSIES LOVERS!!! Yes, we've been online exactly one year today. It's hard to believe it's been that long. And no worries! We've not gone away... I PROMISE new things are in the works, including something celebratory for this wonderful day =) I'm still taking any suggestions! I'll be talking to y'all again very soon. Carrying the Banner! !
June 18th
HELLO MY LOVELIES!! How I've missed you all. Please don't hate me, my life is hectic, I really slacked off with updates and such, so I'm sorry. Very sorry. Again, don't hate me, there are no real updates as of right now. But a peek into what I AM working on. First off: In 5 days, it will be THE 1st ANNIVERSARY OF NEWSIES LOVERS!! Yes, we've been online almost a year now. For the anniversary I really want to do something special, a new page or something, so please, if you have any suggestions feel free to email them to me! Let's see, I'm working on posting the sheet music for Once and For All, as well as working on another quiz. Now something I REALLY need to address. WHOEVER IS SPAMMING THE INTERACTIVE FORMS STOP IT RIGHT NOW. I'm sick and tried of opening my inbox and opening what i think is a new interactive form that needs posting and have it be innappropriate spam that I won't even repeat in this update. So, stop now. This is your first and ONLY warning. If you do not stop, you will ruin it for everone and I will be forced to remove all the interactive pages that continue to be spammed. Right now, Commandments are down, because they are the latest to be spammed. So, please don't send in any real commandments until further notice. Sorry for the inconvenience, but the stupid spammers are forcing me to do it. On a happier note, Newsies Lovers is also closing in on 10,000 views! I'm thinking of giving out a large prize (no, not money) but something newsies related to the 10,000 viewer. Again, any ideas for prizes, email me. The final thing I will be doing is recreating the videos page that somehow got deleted. So watch out for all of these new things! That’s all for now. Carrying the Banner! !
April 10th
No update today i just needed to post because after all, it is the 15TH ANNIVERSARY OF NEWSIES TODAY!!!!! And, I just needed to wish Newsies a Happy Birthday. I will be resuming regular updating within the week, my show just finished and I still need to adjust and catch up on all my work i missed. I feel bad about leaving you guys hanging, but don't dispair! New things are in the works and will be showing up really soon. That’s all for now. Carrying the Banner! !
________________________________________________________ March 5th
Happy March! Again, an apology for my sever lack of updating. It’s crunch time now in rehearsals since the show in 3 weeks, so I’m at rehearsal pretty much all the time. In fact, it’s 3 right now and I’m leaving in like 10 minutes to head over to rehearsal and stay until 8:30 (which I do almost every night) and then I have to come home and do homework, etc. so that’s why there’s been hardly any updates lately. And there probably won’t be until after the show is over. 19 more days till closing night, then I’ll resume with my normal updating. As for today, I judged the contest on the Contests page. Congratulations Kim! Great captioning. It was very close though. So close in fact that ARI … if you are reading this, please email me (my email is so that I can make you an icon or banner or something because I really could not choose between yours and Kim’s. So there are really 2 winners! Kim’s caption will be displayed on the page and Ari I will make you a graphic. That’s about the only thing I had to say. Also, everyone’s forms are up, so if you sent one in, it’s posted. Enjoy! That’s all for now. Carrying the Banner! !
February 23rd
Phew. Long time, no update. But here I am with some good news! FINALLY FINALLY FINALLY something I’ve been trying to get done since the OPENING of my site is finished. Every single one of the Screen-Caps is posted! EVERY LAST ONE. Finally. They took forever, but I was like “I’ve been lazy when it comes to screen caps, so I’ll just do it.” Now all of them are up. Just visit the Screen-Caps page and clcick on the picture of the pics you wanna see. Some forms are also up, my mailbox has a lot of them piling up, so by the end of the day all of them will be up but for now, just a few are. Also, I decided to extend the contest on the Contests page while I search through my pictures for a new pic for you guys to caption. So, the current contest will be extended till…. How about…. March 3rd. Yeah, that sounds good. Alright, well enjoy the Screen Caps. Oh, I almost forgot. Some of the screen caps are out of order, but that will all be fixed in time. That’s all for now. Carrying the Banner! !
February 3rd
Happy February and HAPPY BIRTHDAY ARVIE LOWE JR.!! I know I said I wouldn’t be updating a lot anymore… but it’s the weekend and I had some time so I decided to bring you guys a long overdue new page! And it is…Obsession Test ! Check it out =) Also, as always, more interactive forms are posted. Sorry for the short update… but at least there’s something new! I’m hoping to have more new things to post tomorrow, but no promises. Well, that’s all for now. Carrying the Banner! !
January 30th
I wanna start off this update by saying HAPPY 33RD BIRTHDAY CHRISTIAN BALE!!! Jackey boy’s all grown up =( There’s no new pages up today, sorry =(. But I did upload all the interactive forms that were sent to me over the past few weeks. So if you sent one in… it’s up! Now, the real reason for this update is to apologize in advance that I won’t be updated a lot anymore. The reason is actually good news! I was cast as BELLE in my school’s Beauty and the Beast! I mentioned in my last update that I would be auditioning… well last Monday the list was posted… and I found out I got the part! So I pretty much live at my school now cause I have actual school all day then I come back for a minimum of 3 hours each night for rehearsal. Plus, I have tons of homework lately cause I just took my Math Regents (all you New Yorkers know what a pain those are) and now I’m in a different harde kind of math with a lot more work. Plus, all my other classes. So, an advanced apology for my busy schedule and future lack of updating. Well, that’s all for now. Carrying the Banner! !
January 15th
GASP! Could it really be an update? Yes it sure is :o) Don’t worry, I’m not dead. I’ve just been busy. Too busy. But you’ll hear about that later. Anyways, update. Here we go. I wanna start off by saying HAPPY NEW YEAR! My new years resolution is to update WAAAAY more. I can’t have another 2 months where I don’t update. It’s not fair to you guys. So, if I can find the time (which I really hope I can) New things will be coming your way all through the year. The next thing I wanna say is HAPPY NATIONAL NEWSIES DAY! Yupp… today is NND, so watch the movie, sing the songs, dance the dances, and celebrate :o) Now here goes the REAL update. My mailbox was FULL of 4 pages of interactive forms to post. So, if you sent one in… it’s definitely up (except if it’s a survey or an award, those take longer to make). So there’s new FAQ’s, Hypothesis’, Six Degrees, What Would you Say, Name Origins… pretty much everything on the interactive pages is new. Speaking of Hypothesis…. There’s a new question posted on the Hypothesis page. Also, there’s a new FanSong written by my favorite fan song author Antranig. Now for new pages…. I’m just finishing up the new page… Newsies Drinking Game. It should be in full swing by the end of the day. Also, you should be expecting The BDHONS Drinking Game soon. I’m planning 2 new pages, I’m not gonna tell you what they are because I’m still not sure yet. But I do have some ideas and if I do decide to make those pages, it will take a while so…. Expect 2 new pages in the next few weeks. Next thing….. I’m sure you all know of the 2007 Newsies rally in NYC… right? Well if you don’t…. visit this website:
Hopefully I’ll be able to go (I should… I only live 30 min away from NYC) but a lot of people can’t… and I might not be able to either, which is very sad :o( So, Luckily my fellower webmistress 3Sweets of “The Walkin Mouth” came up with a BRILLANT idea. Have an online rally. Hopefully this will be able to happen…. And I’ll update you as soon as I know more. I also want to remind you that the 15th birthday of Newsies is in only 4 months. So if there’s any hope of having the reunion…. We NEED more signatures on the Petition . If you haven’t signed…. Please do! Well that’s all for Newsies related stuff… but I thought I owed you guys an explination of where I’ve been these past 2 months. I’m taking really tough courses this year (2 are college level courses… eep! I’m only a freshman) so the majority of my time goes to doing work for those classes. Now, my school’s musical is starting and callbacks are all through next week from 6-9, so IF I can I will try to squeeze in updates when I’m home. Also…. Definitely no update tomorrow because I’m going to see Wicked in NYC :o) I think that’s about all I had to tell you guys. Sorry that it took so long… but I’m back! That’s all for now. Carrying the Banner! !
________________________________________________________ November 20th
Ugh I know I know. It’s been a while. I’m really sorry. I’ll find some way to make it up to you guys. All in good time, I promise. Anyways… there’s actually some new stuff today. As always… all of the interactive forms were posted, but besides that… I managed to get a new page up! It’s called Hypothesis . Its an interactive page so send the forms on in! Also, a little reminder that the current caption contest ends in 10 days. So if you haven’t already it’s not too late to still send in an entry. Now, last but certainly not least, HAPPY 36th BIRTHDAY IVAN DUDYNSKY! That’s right. Our dear old Dutchy is 36. Well, that's all for now. Carrying the Banner!
________________________________________________________ November 14th
No real updates today.... I'm just dropping in to say a quick HAPPY 32ND BIRTHDAY TO DAVID MOSCOW!!!! Wow the boys are all so grown up now *sniffs* lol. Well, That's all for now. Carrying the Banner!
________________________________________________________ November 13th
I was home sick from school today so I decided to drag myself over to the computer and make a long overdue new page. And it is : the Backgrounds page. There are only 2 posted for now... but believe me... there's many more to come! Anyways, I've added 2 new affiliates to the "Me Chums" list on the right. Go check 'em out! Also... all of the interactive forms that were sent in are posted, well, except for the surveys. One of these days I have to get around to posting them. My mailbox is piled up with about 20 of them (gulp). I'll post them as soon as I can. A little preview of what I hope to get done this week: more backgrounds, a new interactive page, and to FINALLY reupload the SF screencaps.
That's all for now. Carrying the Banner!
________________________________________________________ November 10th
New things today! Besides the interactive forms that I've posted there's actually some other new things. I (finally) judged the current Trey Parker caption contest. Congratualtions to Teeth who is the winner! Her caption is posted on the Contests  page along with a new contest that will last until 11/30. Another new thing I added is my first Elite Affiliate! The link to their site is the picture of Jack at the bottom of the navigation bar on the left. The reason this site is my first Elite Affiliate is because they sent in the first request to be one... and I am their's! :o) I did get many more requests for Elites so in time they will be posted too. For now, it's just this one. So, go check it out! That's all for the new stuff... now for the old stuff. PLEASE sign the Guestbook . Thanks!
That's all for now. Carrying the Banner!
November 7th
I'm updating! Yay! Not many updates today but I will be trying to put up some new things for you guys as the week goes on. For now I have just uploaded a bunch of forms including 6 new awards on the Awards page. A little preview of what to come this week : a new category of icons, a new interactive page (or pages), elite affiliates (enter to be one on the Affiliates page.), a new comic strip (hopefully), and (if i can) the re-posted, re-made Santa Fe Screencaps.
Now, I'm geting INCREDIBLY tired of tripod so I'm seriously thinking about changing hosts to a get real website with my own domain and everything. I'm gonna wait until Christmas break to do it so I have alot of time to work on it.... but it definitely will be happening! I'm very excited about the up and coming! The plan has not been set into action and the website doesn't exist yet... but it will soon. I'll let you all know when it's ready.
That's all for now. Carrying the Banner!
October 25th
Yay! An update! And a good one too. Sorry the updates have been coming so frequently anymore, i could go on forever why, but I won't bore you all with those stories. Just know that I am making an effort to update as much as I can. Anyways... on to the new stuff! I went icon crazy and made 21 new icons! They're in a new category on the Icons page. The category is and Aaron Lohr category and its located under the name icons. Check 'em out! Also, I had many requests for new affiliates (which are all added) that I decided to make an Affiliates page. If you would like to be affiliates just visit that page. Now for the things that were updated: If you sent in a form (commandments, what would you say, conversation story, etc.) it is most likely posted. I went through my mailbox and posted all of the forms. Included in the forms were a bunch of new funny Quotes that Changed History . Anyways... I added the movie "Daydream Believers" to the Other Movies page. And, there are about 10 new videos on the Videos page. A new Fan Song was sent to me by Antranig and that's posted on the Fan Songs page. The current contest on the Contests page got all messed up with the dates and everything so I will be extending the deadline until Halloween. If you already sent in an entry... don't worry. I still haven't. If you haven't sent in an entry and you want to... send it on in! on the 21st I didn't have a chance to post a Happy birthday update for our dear old Snitch. So here's one now. HAPPY BELATED 32nd BIRTHDAY DEE CASPARY! Lsat thing update-wise is please sign the Guestbook if you haven't already. Thanks so much.
Anyways... very offtopic... one of the reasons I haven't been updating was because I was busy rehearsing for my school's fall show : Cabaret Night. Well opening night was last Friday and it was a really big success. Everyone loved the show and it went really really well. I know y'all probably don't care but still. I sang What is This Feeling from Wicked with my friend and we performed it the best we've ever done it... and got alot of really good pics of it too :o) lol but anyways... just a quick little tidbit of whats going on in my life. That's all for this huge update. Carrying the Banner!
October 17th
Sorry guys. I know, I know. I'm full of excuses for not updating. Believe me I really want to! I miss it! On the 14th when I said I would finish my update I actually wound up having to go to the hospital to get stitches on my fingers so i couldn't type or do much of anything on my computer. I'm very sorry. Anyways this week is very busy for me cause I have a performance on Friday and I have rehersals EVERY night this week. I really hope I can find time to make a real update cause I have so much stuff I want to do! Anyways... the only thing I really can do today is wish KEVIN STEA (Swifty) a very HAPPY 36th BIRTHDAY!!!
That's all for now. Carrying the Banner!
________________________________________________________ October 14th
Stupid stupid tripod. More layout problems. Tripod deleted my update from the 11th so for those who didn't read it.... I'll try to remember what I wrote. The basics are that I accidentally entered a code that warped the layout of my site and made it really ugly. Now for updates I have to do HTML editing which is really hard and takes a really long time so you guys dont have to look at the ugly layout. Anyways... I will be finishing this update later in the day so if you are reading this todays real update will be posted by tonight.
That's all for now. Carrying the Banner!
________________________________________________________ October 1st
Happy October! Phew... so glad September's over. It was complete torture. Plus I was so
busy with school starting and all.... that the site seriously lacked updates. Now that I'm more used to school and figured
out how to balance my time, etc... this month will have more updates. Anyways.... I have work today so I won't be
able to get much done until 6 (when I get home). I have tomorrow off from school though (yay!) so I will be dedicating tomorrow
to updating. The SF screencaps will (finally) be reposted, at least one new page will be added, and I'm thinking of starting
to work on a new layout. Plus my mailbox is piling up with interactive forms which will all be posted.
Now for a short NE (newsies experience).... I decided to order Perfect
Assassins and Daydream Believers (both with Aaron Lohr) because I couldn't find them anywhere so my only choice
was to order them. I got Perfect Assassins on monday and let me tell you.... I was crying like a baby. I was on the phone
with my friend and I swear shes probably deaf from listening to me hysterically cry, and scream curses at the TV.
I'm still so sad. I swear I have never yelled so much in my life. Go see it. It's not a great movie but Aaron is
delicious :o) lol I'll be adding it to the Other Movies page. I haven't gotten Daydream Believers yet (stupid UPS guys....) but I'll add that as soon as I get
That's all for now. Carrying the Banner!
September 25th
Stupid work. I had to go to work alot more than I thought this weekend so I didn't get
as much done as I wanted. Not nearly as much. Anyways... there is a new page today that new things will continuly be added
to. It's called Animated Paintings. Check it out. Besides that I'm just very busy with work, school, homework, and my school's fall show. So I'll try to
make up for the lack of things last week this week. That's all for today! Carrying the Banner!
September 22nd
Sorry for the lack of update yesterday and the lack of icons I promised. They will be
up soon though.... as well as the screencaps. Major updating tomorrow. No excuses. I'm gonna make myself work really really
hard tomorrow. I promise. Anyways... for today's update congratulations to DANIELLE who won the Luke Edwards caption contest.
Her award is posted on the Winners page and her caption is posted on the Contests page under "Old Contests." That's pretty much all for today but there will be ALOT of updates tomorrow. Carrying
the Banner!
September 20th
Before today's over I'm planning to make a new category of 6 to 12 Icons. Hopefully I can get that done. Also, theres a new quote on the Quotes that Changed History page.... and, the contest ends today. I will announce the winner with tomorrow's update. As for now, a new contest
is posted on the Contests page. Anyways, the Santa Fe screencaps are still down but they'll probably be back up by the weekend. Anyways I
have a new page plan in the works and maybe that will be up by the weekend too. Sorry I can't get this stuff up sooner,
but besides school I've also started auditioning for a show my school has called "Cabaret Night" (and I found out if
I got the lead tomorrow =/ and I'm incredibly nervous) Anyways, I'm not really home alot anymore. But I promise
I will still be bringing you guys updates as much as possible. That's everything for today. Carrying the Banner!
September 19th
Long time no update! Sorry guys. There is one today though. 3 new awards on the Awards page. And a few new results from the Survey. Also... HAPPY 31st BiRTHDAY MARTY BELAFSKY/CRUTCHY. Here's a Crutchy Birthday graphic I made:

Anyways, the Santa Fe screencaps are down temperaraly. They'll be back up soon.
That's pretty much it. Carrying the Banner!
September 16th
I figured a late update is better than none at all. I have been so busy lately and haven't
gotten much done. All I've had time to do was upload more inteactive forms, etc. Also, I'm having a problem with my disk space
and I need to redo the SF screencaps... so they may be down for a few days, probably starting tomorrow. Anyways.... the Six Degrees game is going along very well. So... go be a part if you'd like. Also the contest on the Contests page is ending on Wednesday so get your submissions in before then if you were planning to enter :o) Well, I guess that's
pretty much all. I promise there will be more updates once I get used to high school. It's just really stressful and busy
right now. Carrying the Banner!
September 14th
I feel terrible! I left you guys 2 days without an update
:o( Sorry! But.... there IS one today! (yay!) A new page! Six Degrees. Check it out :o) Anyways... something just happened to me that I have to share. I am now the owner of an autographed picture
from GABE DAMON. It came in the mail today! In my email to him I asked for one and in his email back he said he'd send one.
AND IT CAME!! I'm sorry... I'm just so happy :o) Anyways, please sign the Petition if you haven't already. It only has 35 signitures. We need alot more! That's pretty much all for today. Carrying the
September 11th
Very very sorry for the lack of update yesterday. I had work and homework and I didn't
even have time to turn on my computer. Anyways... A new movie was added to the Other Movies page, and probably by the end of the day there will be at least 3 new Icons if I finish my homework in time. I don't want to upset anyone by bringing up anything about today, so I'm just going
to say god bless the people and the families and friends of people who lost their lives 5 years ago today. That's all.
Carrying the Banner!
September 9th
I feel really bad. I'm so sorry I haven't been able to get much done but school and
work is soo crazy I just haven't had time. But I did add a new Award on the Awards page. Also, a note for Kelly who asked if I would be interested in the Blink picutre. I definitely would be. So, send
it on over and I'll remake the award tomorrow. I'm sorry but that's it for today. Carrying the Banner!
Septemeber 8th
CONGRATULATIONS KELLY (a different one than the last contest winner) who won the Christian
Bale caption contest! Her award is posted on the Winners page. As for the rest of todays updates, I really only had time to update some more interactive forms. Tomorrow I'll
be able to do more, but I am really swamped with homework and stuff so no promises. That's all. Carrying the Banner!
September 7th
So today I was in English and we had to take a quote, put it in our own words and show
an example of when the thing discussed in the quote happened. I got the quote "Together many spider webs can tie up a mighty
lion" or something weird like that. Anyways.... since it means together many weak people can over throw someone powerful...
I wrote my exapmle about none other than the Newsies strike :o) That made me very happy and I had to share. Anyways,
for the update there's just a bunch of new interactive forms posted. Also, I'm very sorry but I don't have the contest winner
yet. I have 2 entries that are so close, I can't decide so tomorrow the winner will be announced. Sorry :o( Anyways, there
will probably be a new page posted today if I can get it done but I'm not sure. Carrying the Banner!
September 6th
I'm officially in high school! Phew, the first day was SO LONG. I miss summer already
:o( I cranked up Newsies on my iPod on my way home which made me feel better :o) Anyways.... FINALLY a new page! It's about
time, i know. So, here it is: Comics. The idea is from NewsiesFreak but they're made 100% by ME. I'll be adding more gradually. Also, the contest ends TODAY.
I will be announcing the winner with tomorrow's update. In the mean time, there is a new contest on the Contests page that you can enter. That's pretty much all for today, cause I have homework. But I'll probably be working on screen
caps and making another comic if I have time. Carrying the Banner!
September 5th
Sorry, I didn't get much of anything done yesterday... I was working on my summer assignment
alot. Very very sad school starts tomorrow :o( I'm gonna keep this update short cause I still would appreciate some help in
the submission box from yesterday's update so, that's pretty much all! Carrying the Banner!
September 4th
Aw. I'm so sad :o( Summer ends after tomorrow. I don't want to go back to school. Whatever,
anyways, I'm very seriously thinking about hosting with a better site and getting a new domain, etc. So if anyone has any
suggestions for a good hosting site, please enter them here:
September 2nd
So... there's a new addition to the Hatemail again from that Katie biotch. Whatever, go ahead and look if you please. There's also a new addition to the Other Movies page. Sorry there aren't many updates lately it's just with school coming so soon I've been working really hard on the
summer assignment I have to do... so I haven't had much time to be online. But I promise once school starts and I'm done with
my assignment there will be better updates :o) Carrying the Banner!
Oh, and P.S.... There's probably not going to be an update tomorrow cause I have to
go to work and then I'm going to my friends house to watch Cold Case (don't ask) so I won't be home all day, sorry :o(
September 1st
Happy September! It's weird.... I feel like I was just saying "Happy August" like a
week ago. It went too fast. And now.... there's only 5 days till I'm officially a high school freshman (yikes). Anyways, update.
Here we go. I now have a Hatemail page. I have to say, as much as getting hatemail sucks, making fun of how stupid the people who send it are is actually
quite entertaining :o) lol but anyways, that's there for you to look at if you wish. I also got those 3 new Icons up (Thanks to Allie for the idea for one of them) and if you have requests of things you'd like to see more of on the
site, or any ideas for new things... they can now be entered in the box on the page. Also, I found something really funny on it really did make me laugh out loud. I'm still laughing actually... click this link: to see it. That's all for now. Carrying the Banner!
August 31th
Okay, so i fixed the awards box so now the requests get processed right away. Sorry
that that wasn't working before... but now it is and there are 3 new awards up. Also, I made a new layout for the Message
Board so now it looks more like the site.... (and looks 5 million times better than it did before) so, yay. I also added a
new page called Puzzles, so that's there. I think I have a new idea for a page that might be up today, but no promises. Also, 3 new icons will be
posted by the end of the day, and maybe some more screencaps. I think thats all for now. Oh yeah... and please GO SIGN THE
Petition!!!!! It only has 26 signitures and we need so many more than that so please... go sign it! Thanks. Carrying the Banner!
August 30th
Lots of new things today! First off there are 3 new pages
and they are... the Conversation Story page, the Other Movies page, and the About the Site page which I encourage you all to take a look at some of the guidelines for the site. Anyways, the High Times,
Hard Times Screen-Caps are up (i went screen cap crazy yesterday) and I hope to have the KONY caps up today, but no promises. In other
news.... there's a new intro to The Spoof page, which is worth a laugh, a new FAQ's, a new quote on the Quotes that Changed History, and a new award on the Awards page. Oh! While we're talking about awards... yesterday I got 2 emails from my server about 2 awards that were requested
about 2 weeks ago that didn't get processed until now. So if that was you who sent in the award idea... I'm sorry it
took so long but I will make your award today! Just a reminder the contest on the Contests page ends 9/6 so if you haven't entered yet there's still a chance. That's all! Carrying the Banner!
August 29th
Yay! The layout extravaganza is officially OVER! Thanks so much to everyone who helped.
I really can't thank you guys enough. And Allie... you're a genius. Thanks for giving me the idea for the red. It works
really well. Anyways, it's back to normal updating. Theres a new quote on the Quotes that Changed History by Allie. Also, thanks to whoever sent in that FAQ asking when the rest of the screencaps will be up, because I have
to say.... I actually forgot that some weren't posted yet! So, now the Seize the Day Chorale Screen-Caps are up. I'm hoping to finish the High Times, Hard times ones too by tonight. That's pretty much all for today..... Carrying
the Banner!
August 28th
Alright will this whole layout deal is driving me insane. I decided I didn't really
like the pink one from yesterday, so here is a sample of the NYC one... which i think is a keeper. I also decided (since i
like this one) to not sample another one tomorrow. This is the final one I'll be showing. So, thank you to the people
who actually HELPED with the decision giving advice and constructive critisism. It really did help the final desision along.
I believe this is the one I'm going to keep. Anyways, I had a really bad day yesterday... my sister went back to college, I
had a terrible day at work, and then I come home and get slapped in the face with an email saying "your site sucks". Yeah,
thanks for the love there Katie. I appreciate it. Here's a tip for ya... if you think the site sucks... DON'T VISIT
IT! It's as easy as that.
Anways, more interactive forms posted today, new Survey forms and a new quote on Quotes that Changed History page by Kelly. But the most important thing about today's update is HAPPY 39TH BIRTHDAY
DOMINIC LUCERO (Bumlets). We miss you and wish you were here. R.I.P. Here's a Bumlets Birthday Graphic I whipped
up last night.

Anyway, so this is the last chapter in the layout process (as I
said before) and there is one more thing I would appreciate SOOOOO much if you could do for me. Vote in the
poll below on which layout you like the best... the original blue one, or this one. Or, enter your thoughts about this new layout
in the box below. I really can't thank you guys enough for helping me like this. And also, I can always change the font
color back to the blues with this NYC layout, or really any color for that matter, so keep that in mind while voting :o) Thanks
everyone and Carrying the Banner!_________________________________________________________
August 27th
Okay, so, here's the deal. Obviously, you can see what today's update
is. I changed the layout, but since there was a tie between 3 of the choices, I'm going to have each of them up for one day
and then have a poll about which one you guys like best and keep it like that. So, this is the sample of the White
and Pink layout I made. The only pages that are fully changed to match this color sceme are the home page, up until the Why I Hate Sarah page. Those are what the pages will look like if this is the layout i decide to use. All the other
pages still have the blue fonts, etc. So, just bare with me for a while. Tomorrow there will be a sample of the NYC themed
layout. Thanks to everyone who voted. Anyways, I also updated some more interactive forms, a few new Survey forms, etc. Sorry for the lack of new pages, but there will be more new things after this whole
"layout extravaganza" is over, but until then, the layouts are what I'll be working on most. Carrying the Banner! Oh, and before I have the poll on the day of the last layout, I would appreciate some feedback
on this one. Just to help the decision a little more. So, heres a box for you to say if you like this one or not. Thanks!
August 26th
So, nothing much new today, theres 2
new Survey forms and obviously a new main picture. You like? So anyways,
today is my sister's last day before she goes back to college so I'll be spending the day with her an won't have time to do
much but I am thinking about changing the layout... but I'm not sure what color sceme I want... so if you would please vote
on which color sceme you would like best in the poll below. It would be an icredibly HUGE help. So please please
please please vote. Thanks in advance! Carrying the Banner! Oh and a note about the choices below, they are just the ideas
for the main colors. There will be other colors added to them to make them more colorful once I have decided which main 2
colors I want to use.
August 25th
No new pages today... i just uploaded some of the interactive forms
including 2 Survey forms. But I have something that I have to share. I went to the movies last to see Step Up (which
was really good btw... you should go see it) and I said to my friend "I really really hope they have a preview for
The Prestige" (Christian Bale's new movie) and the last trailer before the movie was for "The Prestige"!!! I started clapping
the second i saw his face and smiling through the whole thing and then at the end i screamed "I love you Christian Bale!"
and someone in the front row started clapping and was like "Yeah! Christian Bale!" and then scattered around the theatre people
started clapping for him and i was like "Yes!" and me and my friend started singing Santa Fe and I swear I heard a few
people start singing it too. It was pretty awesome. Anyway, thought I'd share a story since there were now updates :o) Carrying
the Banner!
August 24th
A bunch of new things today! First off i made a new interactive page
called Name Origins.... so go check it out! Also I made a brand new You Know Your Obsessed When.... list made 100% by me, and theres also a box where you can enter your own things. Let's see......
I also made 3 new icons (Thanks Allie for the ideas for the 1st 2!) and now.... the moment is here.... and the winner of the
first contest ever is KELLY S.! Her award is posted on the Winners page, and her caption can be seen on the Contests page under "Old Contests". I already have a bunch of really good entries for the new contest....
so go ahead and enter if you haven't yet!
Okay, so that's all with the updates but now I have to share what
I saw yesterday.... I was searching for videos of See What I Wanna See (one of my new obsessions) and I found one of clips
from it and I was watching one of the clips of Aaron singing his song and he was being amazing and dancing around and singing
really well and all that and then ....HE DID THE PELVIC THRUST!!!!! I wasn't expecting it but he did! I had to rewind to see
if he really did and he did! I dont know... it made me really happy. He still does it really well. :o) I also saw SLC
Punk for the 1st time yesterday and I was laughing so hard.... Michael Goorjian is HILARIOUS. You should definitely see it
if you haven't yet. A warning though, it is rated R so if crude language offends you, don't watch it.
Okay, I'm done. Oh yeah, I forgot, even though we all hate her... it is Ele
Keats's birthday and after all she was involved with Newsies so I do wish her a happy birthday, but that's all. Carrying the
August 23rd
Most of what I did yesterday was cleaning up the site... fxing some
codes, etc. Like, now when you click the message board it brings you right there. That also happens with the Behind the Scenes
pics, and the new About Me that I made. Anyways... I have to go pick up my paycheck then I'm lifeguarding at my friends little
brothers pool party so I'll be out all day and don't really have a chance to do much. I will announce the winner of the
contest tomorrow (sorry I know I said today but I'm desiding between 2 finalists and I'll have the results by tomorrow.) In
the mean time a new contest on the Contests page is up so feel free to enter that one. That's all for now... Carrying the Banner!
August 22nd
I went icon crazy yesterday and made 9 new ones in a new category
on the Icons page, so go check it out. I found the idea on Speaking of NewsiesJunkie...
congratulations to Ash who was the viewer 1500! If you see you are viewer 2000, email me and you will get 3 specially
made icons and and win an award as well. Ash's award is posted on the Winners page. Speaking of winners... the contest on the Contests page ends TOMORROW so if you want to enter... you gotta do it today cause I'm announcing the winner
tomorrow :o) Also..... the Petition only has 12 signitures. That's a problem. We need alot more! So please, go sign it. I think that's
it for now. Carrying the Banner!
August 21st
Thanks! Carrying the Banner!
August 19th
Sorry for the lack of update yesterday... as I said a few days ago
I had to work a 7 hour shift today so... yeah. I wasn't home alot. Anyways.... it's finally here!!! The big page!!! And it
is: Sheet Music. Yes, I am now the only website on the entire internet with COMPLETLEY LEGAL FREE NEWSIES SHEET MUSIC.
And believe me, this took days. I bought the Newsies piano book and used a program I have to literally rewrite every
note, chord, and lyric (which is very hard and tiring) The page isn't completley finished, 4 out of the 8 songs are up,
but hey, they're up! So enjoy! Anyways there are 3 new Icons, and a brand new page : Choreography. It has the dance steps to KONY, STD, and STD Chorale. Plus, a bunch of new interactive forms are up,
and now on the Survey page there is a nifty little box where you can just submit right on the page instead of
having to copy it into an email and as requested on the My Top 10 Favorite Newsies page there is a box where you can enter your own list. Phew.... long update today, but now it's
over. Oh, 2 more things. Please sign the Petition, and there will be no update tomorrow because it's my grandmas 75th bday, so.... I won't be home. Anyways,
Carrying the Banner and enjoy the big page (you have no idea how happy I am that it's posted :P) !
August 17th
I'm very excited today... one cause i don't have to go to
work (yay!)and two because of the new page I put up. The story behind it is I've been talking to people on message boards
about a 15th anniversary reunion party for Newsies with the cast, crew and fans from all around the country, and for
a while we've been trying to see who would be able to organize it and start a petition. Well, I took the responsibility and
made a petition. So please.... go sign it! The more signitures we get... the more likely it is to happen! Just go to the Petition page and click the link on the
page itself. Thanks so much.... it would be awesome if we could make this happen. Anyways, I made 3 new Icons and will be making a bunch
more today cause I got a new image editing program and am very excited to use it :o) If I can work hard and get alot done
today the big page MIGHT be posted today cause like I said yesterday, it's not finished but I think there's enough stuff
for it to finally be posted. If the big page doesn't get posted today... expect a new page anyways, cause I have an idea in
the works. That's pretty much all! Carrying the Banner!
August 16th
So, no new pages today, but I have a big feeling that the big page
will be ready by Saturday. Of course I still will be adding things to the page but I feel it's about time put it up, cause
it's mostly done. It was SUPPOSED to be DEFINITELY ready by FRIDAY but then SOMEONE at work needed coverage because they are
lazy and didn't feel like working so now I have to work a 7 HOUR SHIFT on Friday when I wasn't supposed to work AT ALL. *sigh*
Sorry about that, but I had to get that out. Anyways, 2 new Awards are up (you guys sure do keep me busy with the awards... thanks!) and a new quote on the Quotes that Changed History page, and other forms, etc. That's all for now. Carrying the Banner!
August 15th
I felt creative yesterday so i made a new quiz (which is my personal
favorite quiz to take :P) its the Blood Drips Quiz . So, go ahead and take it if you please. Anyways more Awards as usual. Plus congrats to Hannah who was the 1000 viewer yesterday! Her award is posted on the
new Winners page, as will all the other awards that will be won by others through out time. If you see that
you are viewer 1500 email me and you will get an award and 3 specially made icons. Other than that news theres not much else.
Just uploading stuff on the interacting pages as always. Also, if you have any fan fiction or fan art please send it
my way. Credit will be given of course. That's pretty much it. Carrying the Banner!
August 14th
When I got home last night I went directly to my computer and added
all of the thing that were sent to me. There are about 4 new awards on the Awards page, some new Commandments, new FAQ's, new things on the What Would You Say? page, a new thought on the Dedication page, and some other stuff I just can't think of. So that's mostly what I did
yesterday. Posted the stuff on the interacting pages. Today is my day off so I plan to do some serious updating and working
alot on the big page. I decided to extend the contest on the Contests page to 8/23, so you have more time if you want to enter it. I added a counter about 2 weeks
ago (its on the very bottem of this page) and if you notice you are viewer 1000 email me and you will get an award and
3 specially made icons. Just email me if you see it's you! That's all. Carrying the Banner!
August 13th
Ok so, it's still the 12th but I'm going to my friends house
tonight (Mrs. Gabe Damon) and then going straight form there to work and straight from work to a BBQ at my bosses house and
i won't be home till late and I feel bad leaving you guys without an update so here it is. Yet another award is up on the
Awards page... and I got a request for more fan fiction...
so I will try to write some of that and if you guys could help me out and send in any that you have written that would be
great. And as always, the contest closes in 3 days, and please sign the Guestbook. That's it! Carrying the Banner!
August 12th
So I counted. 13 strange looks from people as I walked through Central
Park singing Carrying the Banner. Then 8 strange looks as i did the STD Chorale dance. I carryed the banner the whole
day. Anyways, as far as updating goes, i really didn't get a chance to do much yesterday but I did make a new award on the
Awards page. Today I will be working alot on the big page (it might not seem huge to you when it comes but
you have no idea how long it's taken me). So.... the contest on the Contests page runs till 8/16, please sign the Guestbook and the is open. That's all for now. Carrying the Banner!
August 11th
Well, technically it is still August 10th, but
I need to do this update now cause I have to catch an early train tomorrow. 3 new awards were added to the Awards page, and our list of Commandments is really coming along (if you have one
be sure to add it in the box). The new page I added is called Quotes that Changed History, (Thanks Antranig for letting coming up with the idea!). It's a good interactive page, you can add your
own things and the ones that are there are pretty funny! Check out the page, you'll get what I'm talking about :o) Still working
on the big page, as always. A Reminder: The contest on the Contests page runs till 8/16. That's pretty much all. Carrying the Banner!
August 10th
A long update today! Yesterday I forgot to say that there is a new
Fan Songs posted that was sent to me. Thanks Antranig! It's called "Ode to a Newsie" and it's really good.
In other news.... I made a new page called Newsies Now so that's there for you. Also, there's a new award on the Awards page (remember you can nominate someone now... theres a box there for you and everything). I updated
the Newsies - All about it! page as well... I added a long quote I found by Marty Belafsky about the movie.... which is pretty
funny. (there's also another quote by him on the Newsies Now page). Uhm what else... I'm thinking of adding fan art to the
site... so if you have any and want to send it my way... I will make the page. I'm going to be making a new page today, so
look out for that. But mostly, I will be working on the big page. Looks like that will be up sometime next week (Sorry i know
i said this week, but it's not possible). I'll be working on it alot today because tomorrow I am going to NYC for the
day(and I won't miss my train this time). And I promise I will dance and sing (and get weird looks, but who cares?) and visit
our dear old Horace Greeley statue.
See? Very long update. And now it's done. Just 2 closing notes :
The contest on the Contests page runs until 8/16 and please sign the Guestbook. That's all! Carrying the Banner!
August 9th
Yay! A real update today! Sorry I've been slacking lately,
but I've been so busy with work, etc. but i promise. No more slacking. Anyway, I added a new page : Contests. This week's contest
is a caption contest, and it closes on 8/16, so good luck! I also added a new thing to the Awards page (not an award... that's coming today) but i added a box where you
can submit an award you think a newsie should get and I'll make it. Also, there's a new bullet on the Why I Hate Sarah page that i found by Dice. I thought it was funny. Lastly, HAPPY 36th BIRTHDAY ROBERT FEENEY(Snoddy).

That's all. Carrying the Banner!
August 8th
I'm possibly the happiest person in the world right now.... and heres why. GABE DAMON
EMAILED ME!!!!!!! It's still surreal... but he did. And he was so nice! That email practically made my year. He's also sending
me an autographed picture... which makes me super super happy. I just wanted to share. Anyway, that's one of the reasons there
are no updates today. The other reasons are cause i had to work late yesterday so I wasn't home all day (and the time i was
home i spent freaking out jumping up and down and yelling "gabe damon emailed me!"). So, i'm sorry :o(. But the big page is
on the way! I promise! Carrying the Banner!
August 7th
I added 3 new icons last night (and yes the little kid in the newsie
hat who looks like Christian Bale really IS him at age like 8) but that's pretty much the only update
for today. I'm hoping the big page will be up sometime this week, but no promises. Anyways, as always, please sign the
Guestbook. I will be eternally grateful :o). Well, that's about all. Carrying the Banner!
August 6th
So I'm a little angry because one we missed the train yesterday so I didn't get
to go into the city :o( and two... one of the pages I was planning is now impossible to have because just one file takes up
a quarter of my disk space, so all the work I did yesterday on it just went down the drain. Well, anyway, on to brighter
things : The big page I'm planning is going alot smoother than I expected. I figured out how I'm going to post everything,
now I just have to finish the work itself :o). So that will hopefullly be done by next week. No new pages today but the is open. That's all for now... Carrying the Banner!
August 5th
I added a new Trey Parker video to the Videos page (thanks Laces for sending it to me!) and will
be adding some more. I'm probably taking the train into NYC today (I'll be sure to sing in the streets and dance around
the Horace Greeley statue for all of you lol) So anyway if I am going into the city I'll probably be there all day and
not get alot of updating done. I might still have time to add a few things I've been working on, though. We'll see. That's
all. Carrying the Banner!
August 4th
So I added a new video to the videos page. This one's of Michael Gorgeous Goorjian.
There's going to be alot more of videos of Mike coming, so look out for those. While I was searching for videos, etc.
yesterday I found an hour long radio interview with Mike! If I can, I will try to post it on here so you can hear
"Skittery all grown up" :o)
I didn't get a chance to finish the page i wanted to finish... but
that will probably be up tomorrow. I spent the majority of my time yesterday working on the big thing thats coming. Anyway,
requests are always appreciated... so if you have any drop me an email. As always, please sign the Guestbook. Thanks! Carrying the Banner!
And Mrs. Christian Bale is here and she says hi :o)
August 3rd
Not alot of updates today, but there are some. 3 new blood drips
icons are up, and expect a bunch more to be coming. If you want to request an icon, just drop me an email and i'll be sure
to make it for you. Also, I'll be making a new page today, so look out for that. As always please sign the Guestbook if you have a chance. Ooooh and I almost forgot... something big will be coming this week. Something
that's going to take me a long, long, long, long time but I'm sure you'll like it. Well that's all. Carrying the
August 2nd
Yay! Finally the new thing I've been working on for 2 days is up.
The Personality Quiz . All the graphics are right the links are finally working and everything is fixed. Finally. Today
I'll be working on another quiz and a bunch more icons, but everything might not be up today. I promise it will al be up tomorrow
at the lastest. Please sign the Guestbook while your here... and the is open. So, enjoy. Carrying the Banner!
August 1st
Happy August! Yesterday I added 2 new videos to the Videos page (both of them are of Aaron Lohr) so those are there. I also worked on something
yesterday that i hope will be finished today... i don't want to post about it until I'm completely sure it's done. So just
look out for something new today. As always, please sign the Guestbook if you get a chance, and the is up if you want to use that. That's all for now! Carrying the Banner!
July 31st
Ok so a very good update today. Since yesterday I got a request
for more Blood Drips things i took my digital camera and took 73 pictures of the whole movie. Then I uploaded the pics onto
my computer, resized them, uploaded them onto imageshack, resaved the imageshack pics, scanned them for viruses, uploaded
them onto the site and posted them. Yes it took hours, but it's finished. You can see the pictures on the Blood Drips Screen Caps page. That pretty much took up all day yesterday so
that's all I did. You can expect one new page today. And once more, please sign the Guestbook if you have the time. Thanks! Carrying
the Banner!
HERE for the 2nd
HERE for the 3rd
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